• Sun. Oct 27th, 2024

Jerusalem – The Spiritual Heart Of The World


Apr 3, 2022

Jerusalem – The Spiritual Heart Of The World

There is certainly no doubt that Jerusalem is considered by many to be the most interesting city in the entire world. It is the center of three major religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The sites to see in this beautiful city, both historical and spiritual, are endless but traveling to see them requires a passport. Don’t let that scare you because getting a passport is easier than ever if you access an online passport agency. Getting a US passport online is surprisingly quick and easy.

In the past, the thought of getting a passport immediately induced stress. All that has changed thanks to online passport sites. Getting your passport fast is remarkably simple and secure making it possible to get your passport in as little as 24 hours. That may sound incredible but it is true so even if the opportunity to travel arises suddenly, go online, get your passport and you can be on your way.

There are so many incredible places to visit in Jerusalem that it is hard to know where to begin but perhaps a good place to start is the Western Wall. Also known as the Wailing Wall, people travel from all over the world to pray and meditate at this holy site. Also located in the “Old City” portion of Jerusalem you will find the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. This is among one of the holiest places for Christians as it is thought to be the place where Jesus was resurrected. One corner of the church showcases a spot also believed to be where the cross on which Jesus died actually stood. A site sacred to Muslims is the Al-Aqsa Mosque which is the site where it is believed that Muhammad ascended into heaven.

No visit is complete without a trip to the Israel Museum. Here, you can view the Shrine of the Book which contains the Dead Sea Scroll as well 500,000 other artifacts related to the history of Israel and its people. A visit to Yad Vashem is an incredibly moving experience as it is dedicated to the Holocaust. Here you will see images and objects directly resulting from this awful time in world history with some objects actually being made by victims and survivors of the Holocaust. A visitor to this site will certainly never be the same.

Another site that should not be missed is the Mount of Olives. There is much to be seen here as the trails wander through a cemetery thought to hold the bodies of the prophets. This is also where it is said Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and where the Chapel of the Ascension is located. Camel rides are also available at this site which will take you back to ancient days. There may be no greater place on earth to wander and meditate.