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Applying For A Passport


Aug 9, 2021

Applying For A Passport

An official US travel identification document is a form of personal identification, it’s also needed if you want to visit any other country. The process to follow on how to get a US passport is not difficult but they are exacting. The process outlined below applies to adults who are looking for a new passport rather than needing a renewal.

New Passport

“New” encompasses a broader scope of circumstances than just getting one for the first time. You are also considered to be applying for a new one if your last one was lost, damaged, or stolen. You also fall into this category if your last one was issued more than 15 years earlier. If you’ve changed your name since you last received one, but can’t legally document your name change, these application rules also apply to you.

Federal Forms

You will have to fill out federal from DS-11, which you can download off a variety of government websites. You’ll find the instructions for filling it out directly on the form. This is an application, so if you want yours to be accepted, it’s probably best to fill out this form and fully and accurately as possible. Of course, you also want to be completely truthful on it as well.


With your DS-11 form, you’ll have to show proof of your identity. While you’ll be able to use this travel document as ID once you get it, you can’t use this process to establish your identity. You’ll have to show the government first that you are exactly who you say you are before you can get further additional documentation. The easiest way to prove your identity is by including a copy of what’s called primary proof of identity. This category includes a current military ID, driver’s license, naturalization certificate, or any current government issued identification.

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Country Of Origin

You will also have to include proof that you’re a US citizen. Anyone with a naturalization certificate can use that as proof of both citizenship and identity. If you were born an American citizen, then you’ll have to provide either a long form, certified birth certificate, citizenship certificate, or consular report of birth abroad.


Lastly, you’ll need to include a photo and your application fees. The photo must be color and two by two inches in size. It must have been taken within the last six months and must show your full face as a close up. The specific amount you’ll have to pay as your application fee will vary based on your specific situation. You can consult the online fee schedule to find out what you’ll have to pay.

Application Packet

Now that you have all the required pieces of your application packet, you’ll need to deliver it to an authorized US passport office. Don’t worry, there are so many all over the country that you doubtlessly have one near you. You can find full listing of these offices online. They are most often located in popular public buildings, such as libraries, post offices or courthouses. Once you know which office you’ll visit, call it before just walking through the door. Some offices will only accept applications by appointment.